I know it's been a week since I last posted. Don't worry, though! As my friend Sheila would say, I am currently still in existence. It seems that last week was the week of the wildly overhyped SWINE FLU! Everybody run for your lives! No, stop. I'm just kidding. But yeah, I had it or, at least, I had some strain of the nasty, horrible flu. So did most of the other local music bloggers I know, crazily enough. There must be some correlation between concert-going and weak immune systems, right? Hm...
Anyway, the point is, now I'm back, and I'm ready to experience the rock again! Look out soon for my review of the very last Stegosaurus show as well as another article jam-packed with information about the music venue in 40 Watt's backyard: the Caledonia. Hooray!
Also, a few other cool things that I can't mention yet are in the works, so as always, stay tuned! And, at the risk of being repetitive, I've got to remind you to check out my list of September concert picks for all the best shows to satisfy your music cravings. Mmm, take one bite of the Constellations, a nibble of the Warm Fuzzies, a serving of Doctor Squid, a taste of Aman Amun, and one heaping plateful of all of the rest, and your ears will most certainly be well-fed till October!
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