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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Athfest 2011: Bambara blows us a away and Lazer/Wulf rocks us back in

Saturday, June 25th, 2011
Bambara and Lazer/Wulf

Then, as fans crowded the courtyard outside of the Caledonia, it was time for the Dirty Athens party’s main event. BAMBARA! Playing their final show in Athens for a good while, they mixed it up a bit by rocking outdoors in the still-bright sunlight. What’s this insanity? In all the years that I’ve been a fan of the band, I’ve never actually been able to fully see the members as they immersed our ears in their sensual, noise rock blitz. In an effort to bring things back to normal, though, a leafy bush chose to obscure my view of the trio, making the whole event seem like it was taking place in some dense and untamed jungle. A rather perfect setting for their sound, I’d say! Their set included all of their newest hits as well as several beloved favorites. Then, much too soon, it was all over.

Now, I don’t generally fare too well when one of my favorite bands plays a final show, even if their goodbyes are by no means permanent. After all, the band will likely return to visit our little town on a regular basis to fill our ears with joy once more. Still, my anticipation and energy spent and my brain slightly addled by a mild case of the Athfest heat stroke I’ve come to know so well, I sat at one of Caledonia’s convenient little tables, nearly catatonic with exhaustion, for a few hours after their set.

On the bright side, this put me in the perfect position to hear Lazer/Wulf’s instrumentally-fueled metal tunes when they took the indoor stage a while later. Their massive strength of sound and their yells reverberated through the courtyard, even inspiring me to ease myself out of my comfortable position to see them in action. Inside, the venue was packed, and the warpaint-wearing band members were enlisting the crowd to sing along to one of their songs. It was quite a show!

Before I finish this entry, I’d just like to wish Bambara and each of its members more than the very best for their lives in Brooklyn. They have many amazing things ahead for them, of that I am absolutely certain!

For all of our massive coverage of Athfest 2011, from preparation guides to articles on some of the best featured bands and shows, click here! More entries on all the bands and madness of the festival will be posted daily, so be sure to check back often. Plus, you can visit the Echoreyn of Athens YouTube channel for show footage and Athfest vlogs as well!

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