Determined to cool down while the sun's rays beat down upon us, my friends and I installed ourselves as semi-permanent fixtures underneath the misting line that hung near the Hull Street Stage. As we coated ourselves with a fine layer of water droplets, several people I knew stopped by to tell me that I just had to check out Dr. Arvin Scott's set. My curiosity sparked, I finally managed to pull myself out of the mist to see what all the buzz was about. A melodic beat emanated from the stage as the one man band began. Surrounded by many different types of percussive instruments, Dr. Scott gave us tunes rich with exotic rhythm. Everyone was right... This was one show I'm glad I didn't miss!
For all of our massive coverage of Athfest 2011, from preparation guides to articles on some of the best featured bands and shows, click here! More entries on all the bands and madness of the festival will be posted daily, so be sure to check back often. Plus, you can visit the Echoreyn of Athens YouTube channel for show footage and Athfest vlogs as well!
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