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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Rockin' the scene

What's new on the scene this week?

Well, for all you Athfest enthusiasts out there who, like me, just can't wait to immerse themselves in the tunes and bands of the massive festival, we've got a bit of news for you! Those spectacular people who put on Athfest for us have updated their website to include a more complete schedule of bands for the outdoor stages. I'm sure we can look forward to seeing all those slots filling up soon!

Also, starting tomorrow, we're in for an exciting weekend here in the ATH-town. Thursday night at MAX (formerly the Max Canada) there will be a massive celebration featuring dark rock band Gift Horse, wild adventurers Co Co Ri Co, a brand new band with members from Eddie the Wheel, and Lame Name, a collaboration brought to us by several talented musicians around town including Hardy Morris of blog favorite Dead Confederate. It's gonna get crazy up in there!

And don't miss your chance to experience the insanity that is Reptar at their album release party in Athens this Friday. YES, THEY'RE PUTTING OUT A CD! Want to know more? Check out their Facebook event right here!

Have a crazy one, my pals!

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