The Athens music scene is spilling over with news and unbelievable events this week! You're just about to experience CD releases, TV debuts, and Athfest news... Hold on tight!
First up, TONIGHT's episode of NBC's Parks and Recreation (9:30/8:30c) will feature the debut of a brand new track from our massive blog favorites the Beat Geeks! We've been following this party band's progress from their very first show this past September to their rockin' stint as the opener for Ludacris till now, and we knew they had star potential from the start. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Keep an eye on these guys! Oh, and be sure not to miss your chance to move your body to their tunes this Saturday at Bad Manor as well.
After you catch Parks and Rec, head on over to the 40 Watt TONIGHT for The Orkids/Tealvox show. Can't wait for this one! Tealvox's sound is made purely awesome rock, and the Orkids will leave you dancing and singing along to their catchy pop tunes. I'm so glad these two are touring together! It's truly a match made in scene heaven.
Itching to get your hands on some brand new albums? Well, this weekend, you're in luck! Sam Sniper releases their very first CD We're Not Coming Back This Way (as reviewed right here) this FRIDAY at the Caledonia, and Pholksinger Josh and Friends will be dropping their latest record Watermelon Mountain this SATURDAY at Go Bar (review coming next week). Two CDs in one weekend? Awesome.
And finally, we've got to share the big news coming our way from the people who'll be giving us Athfest 2011. We've got our headliners! Prepare your ears for the tunes and sounds of Centro-matic, Guadalcanal Diary, Chickasaw Mudd Puppies, Jason Isbell & the 400 Unit, and rockin' blog favorites Futurebirds. The anticipation begins! I can't wait for Athfest 2011. For more info, check out the official website here.
Party it up, my friends!
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