Now matter how hard you try, festivals like these will always give you an awkward sunburn. Always. But Music Midtown was definitely worth the scorching heat!
As 3 PM rolled around, my friend Jordan and I could hear the faint sounds of Walk the Moon playing the other stage while we alternated between searching for sustenance and staking our claim on our chosen spot near the main stage. Moments later, an ever growing crowd of thousands gathered behind us for the Joy Formidable's first tune. Having never heard of the Welsh rockers, I was quite curious about them, particularly when a large group of fans began gleefully discussing them and trying to get the attention of their roadies before the start of the set.
Suddenly, an old time music track began to play as the band members appeared, garnering thunderous applause from the massive crowd. Within seconds, the band was owning the stage with their strong rock sound and edgy appeal. Their incredibly charismatic female lead vocalist Ritzy threw herself into every song, and the guys followed suit, simply going wild onstage. The crowd just ate it all up. Cheers rang out throughout their set, especially when bassist Rhydian sang a bit in a high falsetto voice, and it soon became clear that many of the fans up front were there just for this band. One fan had even crafted a "Keep Calm and Rock On" sign featuring Queen Elizabeth and the Union Jack flag for the band although, as the members pointed out, they're from North Wales which is not quite the same as Britain. Then, to finish out their show, the Joy Formidable members threw and smashed their instruments as one could only expect from such rockstars. Quite a show!

Then it was time to secure my place in front of the main stage once more for Manchester Orchestra. The last time I saw these guys was at my very first music festival, Summerfest, the very same festival, in fact, where I discovered the music of the Constellations.
Now, two years later, Manchester Orchestra's sound seemed a bit harder and darker than I remember, but their fans still knew all the words to their songs just as they did back then. From the very first tune, people were mouthing along with the lyrics to old favorites like Everything to Nothing and a few newer songs as well. Some fans were even fistpumping to the tunes. The image that truly stuck with me, though, was that of nearly every fan in the front row texting their friends about the show at the same time. Oh, this modern age!

Wow, I can't believe I'd already seen so many awesome bands, and the show was barely halfway through! As the crowd continued to grow, I eagerly awaited the experiences to come.
For all of our coverage of the exciting experience that was Music Midtown 2011, click here!
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