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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Athfest 2010: The Athens band's got skills!

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

As I walked the now-familiar streets that led from my friend's house to downtown that Sunday morning, I knew it was the start of the end of Athfest. And, well, Athfest 2010 just wouldn't be complete without another taste of one of the newest bands that's got this town in a frenzy, the Athens band! Now do me a favor... Close your eyes. Hear those tunes? Those guys playing up there on that stage are awesome, right? Ok, now open them. Surprised?

Yup, Athens band is one of our youngest established bands with members ranging in age from 12 to 15, but you'd never know it listening to them. They keep getting better and better, entrancing the whole crowd as they take over every stage they play. And it's not just the novelty of their youth anymore. These guys just simply rock! This time, they each played solos to show off their own, particular talents as they gave us an incredible mix of impressive original songs and rock classics. And these guys threw themselves into their music. Beau the lead guitarist (you may know him as Monkey) shredded away and writhed on the ground as he played in true rocker form. Lead singer Chase stood up to the impossible heat, striving not to pass out as he belted out tune after tune. Justin the bassist and Zak on the drums rounded out the hardworking band, making everything from their songs to the banter between them a fully enjoyable experience for all. Without question, Athens was one of my absolute favorite Athfest acts. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for this band!

For all of our coverage of Athfest 2010, click here! I'll be blasting you with updates regularly, so be sure to check back often. Also, look out for Athfest concert videos and vlogs, coming soon to!

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