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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Few Awesome Shows

This one's just a reminder that the rest of this week is filled to the brim with amazing shows featuring blog favorites! Don't miss 'em!

Tonight at the Caledonia, Mud Scholar bids farewell to Athens with a nice big helping of the most hilarious, douchiest pop imaginable! If you like songs that are sure to offend your parents, you must see this show.

Then on Thursday, two of our longtime favorites, Doctor Squid and the Athens band are taking over the 40 Watt together to bring a healthy mix of happiness and rock to all who attend. Such joy!

Finally, Friday night will give us an epic pairing of sound at the 40 Watt with Dead Confederate and Bambara rocking the night away! Pure awesome.

For detailed info about these shows and many more, check out January's list of show picks right here!

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